Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chicken in Foil

With school starting back up and the kids getting involved with extracurricular activities, making dinner needs to be quick, right? You want it fast but still healthy. Here is a recipe I took from my Focus T25 nutrition book. Its' called Chicken in Foil. It is so simple to put together and it's literally the ENTIRE dinner in one tin foil packet. You can get other things done while this is cooking!!! Who doesn't love that! Here is the recipe:
Chicken in Foil
4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
8 medium Red Potatoes
1 medium sliced sweet onion
Galic powder
Sea Salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Fresh chopped parsley
Tear you 4 sheets of tin foil. Place your chopped potatoes on there and sliced onions on top of there. Put your chicken breast on top of the veggies (you can add additional veggies if you like) and season to taste with sea salt, garlic powder, fresh ground pepper and parsley. Bake at 375-400 for 45-50 mins!!!

Goal Accomplished

So, running a 5K without having to walk any of it has been one of my goals since I started my health and fitness journey a year and a half ago. Well, I kicked this goal in the face on July 20, 2013!!! My husband and I ran the Moonlight Miles 5K here in our town and both did a great job! Not only did I accomplish my goal, but I had a 9 min/mile...I have never ran under a 10 min/mile! Determination and inspiring others is what drives me to continue to be better!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why I Became Beachbody Coach

They say a picture says a thousand words! Well, I totally agree. Anyone that looks at this before and after picture of me should see at least one reason why I am so passionate about being a Beachbody Coach. I want to HELP people! This has become my passion and what I believe to be my calling in life.
Although, I did not intially start my health and fitness journey with Beachbody, I have seen the biggest difference in my body since starting using their products. I use all of the products in the after picture on a daily basis. All of the pictures in this after picture were taken today. I started out with Shakeology and Turbo Fire in January. I am now doing the 8 week Foucus T25 Challenge (can't wait to post my before and after photos when I am done with the program)!!! I drank my Shakeology this morning, ate a clean dinner (tracking all my daily caloric intake in myfitnesspal), drank my E&E Preworkout Formula, did my Focus T25 workout and went for a little one mile run after and used my Polar Heart Rate Monitor to track my calorie burn and heart rate! This is how I keep myself on track!
I CAN HELP YOU with your goals, too! You can find me on Facebook, send me a private message and we can chat about what your goals are. I have tons of options to fit everyone's lifestyle! No more excuses...the time to change is now and I want to coach you from start to finish!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Grilled Bananas with Honey and Cinnamon

My kids are always wanting dessert after dinner. I have been looking into healthy dessert recipes to make since we have really changed how we eat in our house. Usually I would just give them a piece of candy, cake or some other non healthy food.

So, as we were finishing up at the dinner table, I pulled out my phone and pulled up Pinterest. I searched for a grilled bananas with honey recipe and came across this one. It was super fast and easy to put together and was a HIT with the kids! Yay, we have a keeper for future desserts!!! Here is how to prepare this dessert:

Grilled Bananas with Honey and Cinnamon

Bananas (we each had half of a banana)

Preheat a grill (indoor or outdoor). While grill is heating start preparing your bananas by peeling, cutting them in half and then cut the halves lengthwise. Place all the halved bananas on a plate and lightly dust them with the cinnamon and drizzle about a half tbsp of honey (per two halves) on the inside (seeded side) of the bananas. Place them on the grill for about 3 mins per side (or until softened). Enjoy!!!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tomato Basil Turkey Cutlets

So, my family loves to eat turkey cutlets. If you are wondering what they are comparable to, I would say like thinner slices of chicken breast. They cook up really well and are a good alternative to eating chicken all the time. My husband first bought them to cook at the fire station while at work and I was like "Hey, I have been wanting to try those. Let me know how they are". So, ever since then we cook them often. I was looking around for another way to cook them and came across this recipe on another coach's blog.

I am trying out this recipe tonight. It is in the oven as I am typing this post!!!

Ok, so the smell was amazing while it was cooking!!! The hubby liked it as well as the kids, so it will be a keeper at our house! The recipe called for canned diced tomatoes, but since it's summer and GA grown tomatoes are in season, I used one of those!  Here is the recipe:

Tomato Basil Turkey Cutlets
  • Dried Basil
  • Garlic Powder
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • Fresh diced tomato or 1 can diced tomatoes (low sodium)
  • Turkey Breast Cutlets (3)
  • 1/4 cup low fat mozzarella cheese
Place a piece of foil in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish. Place turkey cutlets on top. Then, sprinkle with basil, garlic powder, chopped onion, diced tomatoes and then top with mozzarella cheese.

Then, cover the dish with foil and bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or until cooked through.
I served the Turkey with a side of brown rice and sauteed squash and onions.

Tomato Onion Omelet

Tomato & Onion Omelett

2 eggs beaten (egg white substitute if you choose)
1/4 diced fresh tomato
1/4 2% shredded sharp cheddar
1 slice Sargento Deli Thin swiss cheese (the 40 cal slices), torn

sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

Heat skillet to medium heat. Spray pan with nonfat cooking spray and sautee onions and tomoatoes until onions are soft. Pour beaten egg (seasoned with sea salt and pepper) over veggies. Cook until set, flip and finish cooking until firm. Sprinkle with cheddar and torn swiss, transfer to plate, fold and enjoy!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I'm Back!!!

Hey ya'll!!! Well after several months of not blogging I decided I am ready to give it my all. I have had some exciting changes in my life since becoming a Beachbody Coach. I rank advanced to an Emerald Coach in my first month, my husband and I became addicted to working out , eating clean and drinking Shakeology everyday! Since doing these things we have seen a huge improvement in our bodies. We feel so much better now that we don't just count calories, but pay attention and put only pure wholesome foods in our bodies. We feel it is so important to teach these healthy habits to our children so they can live a healthy and fit life as well. I quit smoking almost two weeks ago and my husband is trying to quit as well. I plan to share with everyone how we live day to day, our food choices, workouts, food preparation, recipes and the challenges we face. So, please feel free to share with us any tips you have and I hope ours help ya'll as well! So long for now, but I will be posting like crazy from now on!!!
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