About Me

Hey ya'll! I am a 30 year old wife and mother of two. My wonderful husband, Matt, my daughter Lexi, age 7, and my son, Lance, age 2 are my whole world! I began my health and fitness journey in January 2012. After a horrible picture had been taken of me in Disney world eating an ice cream cone, I decided I had had enough! I was so unhealthy and unhappy with myself! I knew I needed to make a change for my husband and my two beautiful childeren!
I started my journey by just counting my calories and becoming aware of "how much" food I was consuming.

My "ice cream cone" pic

This really started giving me great results. I kept on like this for the entire year of 2012 and lost about 60 lbs. I was running by this time and getting in pretty good physical shape. Around Christmas of that year I hit a plateau and wasn't budging on the scale. I needed help and started looking into other things. I came across a posting from someone I was following on Facebook. She was hosting a Challenge Group. This was it...this is what I needed! I asked her about this "challenge group" and the more we chatted, she felt as if I should be a Beachbody Coach. I wasn't sure about this, so I just bought the Turbo Fire
 workout and began that. I fell in love immediately! I started losing weight again and was feeling better than ever. I decided I wanted to become a coach and start helping others. I then started Shakeology and began getting into eating clean. I felt the effects of Shakeology on my body immediately. My husband even began drinking it too! We were hooked! We had more energy, less cravings, became leaner and just overall FELT GREAT! The clean eating took a little more time to get the hang of. The more I read and the more I tried different things, the easier it got and my physique is more defined now. With clean eating, Shakeology and various workout programs I am down a total of 98 lbs, went from a size 20 to a size 6 and 8, and have muscles now! I have done Turbo Fire, Focus T25 and I am currently in my P90X3 and 21 Day Fix transformations! I will keep my transformations up to date and be happy to answer any questions about what I am doing. I have truly found my passion and calling in life with helping others on their health and fitness journey's. Here is my transformation journey video and my P90X3 results to date. I still have a couple of more weeks left of it and I will be on to another program!


"It's a journey...not a destination!"



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