Sunday, January 3, 2016

Team Beachbody Coach Summit 2014: A Life Changing Experience!

Since becoming a Team Beachbody Coach in 2013 I dreamed about attending Coach Summit. I wasn't able to make the one in 2013, and honestly didn't even realize what it was all about until people on my team were posting pictures while they were there! I knew right then that I WOULD NOT miss the next one! Well, after losing my job and us going to a single family income, other than my Beachbody income (which helped out on SEVERAL occasions) I was so devastated to think "I will not be able to attend Summit 2014!" I kept working so hard, and my upline coach was so determined to get me to summit, that she got me a ticket! Oh, my! Now this was getting real! I had to figure out a way to get a plane ticket, hotel and HOW IN THE WORLD to afford all of this! Not going to lie, this caused SO MANY arguments and tears with my husband! He could see how upset I was about not being able to attend, but he also still didn't "GET IT" when it came to Beachbody and much less Summit. I believe in this business, opportunity and that I can achieve whatever I set out to achieve! I wasn't giving up on this dream!

I kept on messaging other coaches for being roomies and who was selling Dream Big Summit Packages, researching airfares and ways to earn flight miles! I put so much work into this AND still managed to keep focused with my business and home life! I finally got all the loose ends worked out, got roomies, found out that by switching my cable provider offered flight miles that would cover half of my flight to Las Vegas and did something that I really didn't want to up a credit card to put it all on! I researched and found a card with over a year of no interest and went and took that leap of faith and put it all on there!!!! This was dreams were happening! Believing in myself and never giving up to achieve success is the key to making this happen!

Now that I had all of this worked out, and I knew I would be attending the BIGGEST Beachbody event of the year, it was time to focus on another goal I had before attending the big event....going to Summit as a DIAMOND Beachbody Coach! See, becoming a Diamond Coach has been a big big goal of mine since the end of 2013. I knew how much Summit changed the lives of those that attended, and how much coaches grew and advanced after coming back, that I wanted to attend as a leader! Now, I am not going to get into specifics here, but in the rankings with Beachbody, Diamond is the first step of leadership in this business. Now, I am not saying that makes you a leader by any means....the only thing that makes you a leader is reading personal development books, studying leadership and learning from your mistakes with your team! After talking and strategizing with my upline coach, I put my ideas into action and became a Diamond coach in a month's time! I would be heading to Summit as a Diamond Beachbody Coach....and the feeling of accomplishment and believing in myself felt AMAZING!

One of many goals...ACHIEVED!

On, June 17th I set out by myself to fly to the other half of the country to attend this event I had been dreaming about! Talk about nervous! Nervous about the flight, nervous about Vegas and most of all nervous leaving my husband and kids for almost an entire week! Eeek! They are my LIFE! But, I knew if I didn't to this, I would always wonder "What if?" So, I put on my big girl panties and off I went.
Gettin' ready to leave on a jet plane!
I left two days before Summit actually began.  The positive atmosphere within Team Beachbody is so contagious! And like my friend/teammate Cat says "If I were to never make it big with Beachbody, which I know I will, I can at least say the $106 a month I spend on my Shakeology and reading personal development is the best therapy ever!" We don't use negative's just not in our vocabulary!

 So, once into Vegas, it was like 3 am before getting to bed! We had a day of relaxing the next day, but after that, it was sooo busy! We got so much information from the celebrity trainers, top coaches in the business, made new friendships and attained so much growth! I know they say a picture is worth a thousand here are a few of my pictures from Summit!
When you get it in your head that "I will not fail. I will succeed. I can become the person I want to be. I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true" then you to can be successful at anything in your life. I face adversity every single day in my life. I have bad times and good times, but I will never give up on this dream. I struggle with my own health and fitness at times, deal with people not believing in this opportunity that has been brought into my life and people that just down right don't accept that I am a new positive person. Coaching and helping others is my calling in my life and I know this will be what I dofor my full time career. I will live my life by design!
If you have been thinking about becoming a Beachbody Coach, looking for a way to get healthy, looking for a postitve support system....then this just may be the place you need to be! We have an AMAZING team and we truly are like Family! Wouldn't you love to have a support system like this? We had fun time in Vegas, but we know we have to work hard to play hard!
Think this looks like something you would love to be a part of? Email me or find me on Facebook! Becoming a part of Beachbody will change your life FOREVER!

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