Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Clean Eating Pumpkin Muffins

Today I made these yummy pumpkin muffins! They are clean and even fall into the 21 Day Fix nutrition program! Who doesn't want pumpkin EVERYTHING in the Autumn months! Pair with a nice cup of coffee and you have a nice healthy and hearty breakfast.
The great thing about muffins, is you can make a batch a head of time and you have breakfast at your fingertips on the way out the door in the mornings! No excuses to skip breakfast now!  
The recipe is as follows:
  • 1 1/2 cups  whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup pure organic honey
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1/3 cup melted butter or melted coconut oil
  • 1 cup  pumpkin puree
  •  4 oz of natural applesauce
    1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a muffin pan with paper or silicone liners and set aside.
    2. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, spices, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.
    3. In a medium bowl, combine the eggs, honey, and melted butter (or coconut oil). Add to the dry ingredients and mix together until well combined. Fold in the pumpkin puree and applesauce.
    4. Pour the batter into the prepared muffin pan so it’s evenly distributed. I like to fill a 1/4 cup measuring cup and it makes them even and just enough for a dozen! Bake until golden brown and a toothpick comes clean, about 18 – 20 minutes. Store in an airtight container at room temperature for 4 days or place in a freezer bag and freeze for up to three months.
    I would love to know how you liked them! I want to try them with half the amount of flour next time and replace with old fashioned oats and add in some pecans! Drizzle the warm muffins with a little honey after they come out of the oven and you have a nice little sweet treat!

    Sunday, September 14, 2014

    Today I will enjoy the last of my "cheats" for an ENTIRE 90 days!!! This means ABSOLUTELY no cheating of any sorts even through the fair, Thanksgiving and Lexi's bday! No more coffee for me either! I know I can do it though...I did with P90...X3! I am starting Body Beast tomorrow and I have such big goals to accomplish with this program. I want to continue it all the way until Beachbody Coach Summit next July. I know what I am capable of doing and I just have to buckle down and focus on ME when it comes to my health/fitness goals. I have been such a yo-yo here lately and that is NOT at all who I am or the kind of image I want to portray to anyone that follows/trusts me to help them!

    Today is prep day! Menu planning, shopping and cooking to get ready for the week! I have to eat over 2000 calories a day, which is crazy for me bc I usually eat between 1200-1400 a day! I have to eat so much to fuel my body for muscle growth and blasting fat! I want to video blog this journey and share with everyone. Show that weights/strength training are not the enemy for women! I am not striving for big bulk, and we as women are not genetically made to get BIG like men, but I do want a ton of definition!

    So, just know that I am still here to help anyone that needs my help with their own health and fitness, BUT I am 100% dedicating and focusing full attention on my health and fitness because to help you all and be a great example for my children, I have to be the best version of me that I can be!
    I hope you all will follow my transformation on here and be inspired to get started on your own personal transformation!

    Wednesday, April 23, 2014

    100 Days Smoke Free!!!

    I am totally doing the happy dance right now! As I sat and talked to one of my buddies (that is an RN) today on the phone, and told her about how my chest has been feeling, she told me some interesting facts about quitting smoking and how it can make your chest feel. She even said that she has heard other people make the comment that they felt better after smoking a cigarette when going without one for so long! Crazy huh?!?!? Well, I started looking up more stuff and found some interesting testamonials about how bad people actually feel after quitting bc their bodies are just not used to all this clean air and their lungs are healing! I was like "WOW" that's exactly how I feel! I find myself getting out of breath so easily now days and it was starting to scare me since I am so active now. It's been so hard for me to go running and do cardio workouts without getting winded! I also find myself taking deep breaths like I am struggling to get air....well this too is normal bc my body is used to those deep breaths from inhaling cigarettes! It's good to know it's totally normal and everything shall pass! I got curious about how many days "exactly" I have been smoke free and today actually makes Day 100!!!! So happy to have given up another bad habit in my life! Here is the link I found all the testamonials on! http://www.steadyhealth.com/Shortness_of_breath_after_stopping_smoking_t160762.html
    This is one thing that is acutally good to give up on and quit! #keepreachinggoals

    Tuesday, April 15, 2014

    21 Day Fix Approved Asian Stir Fry

    I am always looking for new things to make for lunch as I want to save on money, time and also get bored always eating the same thing over and over and over again! So, here is a little quickie that I threw together this afternoon for lunch. I just went into the kitchen, glanced over what was in there (we need groceries but are on a tight budget this week) and came up with this totally yummy dish! If you like to eat Japanese hibatchi, then you will totally love this! And what's better....it all fits for my 21 Day Fix plan!!!

    Last night we had some whole wheat spaghetti noodles seasoned with a little bit of butter, minced garlic and italian seasonings. We had left overs so I decided this will be my yellow container for lunch today. In the same container there was some steamed broccoli....ok, so ideas were starting to flow!!! Looking in the produce drawer I spotted shredded carrots, onions and some sliced mushrooms.....kept glancing, fresh eggs from our chickens....ok, this is getting really good!!! Looked on the door...hmmm...soy sauce and oyster sauce!!! Ding ding ding!!! Stir fry like they have at hibatchi restaraunts! One of my faves! So, I got all the ingredients together and got started!

    Here's how it all went down!!!

    I heated up some coconut oil in a skillet. Added some sliced oninons, mushrooms and the shredded carrots (I just threw some in there). I let these cook until soft and brown. Then I added the left over noodles, broccoli and strirred for a minute longer until warm. I then needed a little more oil before putting in the eggs so I put a splash of sesame oil and then the beaten eggs (2 of them for one red container). Once I put in the eggs I put a few splashed of low sodium soy sauce and a couple of drops of oyster sauce! Cook until eggs are done and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds! This is what the finished product looks like! I hope you enjoy it!


    For this dish here are the amounts of the 21 Day Fix containers you will use
    1 red (2 eggs), 1 green (veggies), 1 yellow (whole wheat noodles) and 1 orange (sesame seeds and sauce)


    Friday, March 28, 2014

    Carbs are NOT the Enemy!

    So there is always a common misconception that carbs are the "Deadly Enemy" when it comes to losing weight or building muscle. There is a small truth behind this. If you eat "refined carbs" that have been processed beyond knowing what the real ingredients are in the product, then you have a problem! But, when you eat healthy "unrefined carbs" that are loaded with health benefits and digest without added fat and sugar storage, you are good!

    So, what foods are the "bad carbs???" Some people will say: "Bad carbs are anything that is white." Well, that just isn't so either. A russet or red potato is "white" and these are good carbs. They are not refined and when eaten in the right quantities are healthy to consume! Although my personal choice is sweet pototoes over white potatoes bc of other nutrients, I do still eat white potatoes occasionally.

    Now your bad carbs would be examples of the types of food you see in this picture. All of these carbs are highly refined and have little to no nurtional value. They make you feel bloated and lead to spikes in your glucose which is not at all good for trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight. Do you eat many of these foods???? I know I used to and now when I eat them I feel so sluggish and bloated!
    Here is a great way to get started with picking out healthy carbs when you make your next trip to the grocery store. If you usually eat white sugar, rice or bread....switch them all to brown! Now, with sugar I don't mean buy brown sugar. Brown sugar is simply sugar that is mixed with molasses for a sweeter treat! Buy organic unrefined cane sugar if you are going to consume sugar at all.
    I personally have made the switch to only use Stevia in it's raw form ( I use the name brand Stevia in the Raw) or organic raw honey to sweeten my drinks or dishes. I used to drink soft drinks with artificial sweeteners and completely cut those out of my diet once I read up on them.
    Now, I am an oatmeal eater and lover! I will make oatmeal so many different ways in the mornings! I really feel like my stomach is less bloated when I eat oatmeal on a daily basis. I will say any oatmeal is better than no oatmeal at all due to how it can help with all kinds of health issues, but the absolute best is steel cut oats. There again, these are not refined at all. They are cut and packaged as to where old fashioned and instant are processed a little to make that "flat" look that they have. Steel cut oats also have a chewy type consistency that I love!

    And here is the newest craze lately! It's quinoa ( keen-wa)! This is an ancient grain/seed that is considered a protein. It is a natural superfood and is being used in place of a lot of rice dishes and in some cases oats. I have grown to love this food and the benefits of it are amazing! Here is a link explaining a little more about quinoa and it's health benefits : http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=142

    I hope this little explanation of good and bad carbs helps you in the future!http://mistifreiberg.blogspot.com/p/meal-planning-food-prep.html

    Friday, March 21, 2014

    Clean Eating Cauliflower Crust Pizza

    So this evening's dinner menu was cauliflower crust pizza. Now that I am on the 21 Day Fix, I watch my starchy carbohydrate intake more than I used too (yellow containers). Being I only get two yellow containers a day, I have to think about substitutes for certain dishes or just do without a starchy carb for that meal. I have been trying to have my yellow containers earlier in the day so I have more time to burn it off! I found a recipe on Pinterest and then tweaked it to my own and broke it down by containers for the 21 Day Fix. I was pleasantly surprised by how good this pizza was. The only complaint I have is that I should have spread the cauliflower dough out a little thinner and made it even crispier. Other than that, it was delicious!

    Now, I just made ours with veggies that I had here at the house, but you can put any clean meats and veggies that you like! Get creative and I hope you enjoy! By the way...the pics below have some mozzarella string cheese on them because I didn't have quite enough shredded cheese at home! Improvise!

    Now, if you are doing the 21 Day fix here is the serving size and the containers to count:
    2 slices = 1 green container and 1 blue container


    Clean Eating Cauliflower Crust Pizza (makes two pies)

    5 cups grated cauliflower (about 1 large head)
    2 large eggs (lightly beaten)
    2 1/4 cups shredded part skim mozzarella cheese
    2 tbsp. shredded parmesan cheese
    Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper
    1/2 cup tomato sauce
    1/2 cup fire roasted crushed tomatoes
    3 cups grape tomatoes (sliced), sliced black olives, peppers and mushrooms
    2 tsp. chopped garlic
    Dried Basil

    Line a pizza stone (pizza pan will work too) with parchment paper (trimmed in a circle), and preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

    Grate the cauliflower using a box grater until you have a two cups of cauliflower crumbles. Place in a large bowl and microwave for seven to eight minutes, or until soft. Remove from the microwave and let cool.
    Mix in the egg, one cup mozzarella, parmesan cheese, and salt and pepper. Once combined, pat onto a round pizza stone into a 10 in pie.
    Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden.

    Top the pizza with the sauce, garlic, 1/4 cup mozzarella, veggies and dried basil. Bake in the oven until melted and bubbly, another 10 minutes. Makes 8 slices per pie! ENJOY!!

    It was very tasty, but I will use more cheese next time!

    21 Day Fix Week 2

    So, with yesterday being declared the official "Happy Day" I decided to do one of my 21 Day Fix workouts and make a little video collage of me and use the infamous "Happy" song! Working out truly makes me happy! It's known that when you exercise your body releases endorphins and it just puts you in such a better mood. It's like therapy....and what better therapy than exercise! YOU get happy and get fit all at once! I call that a "winner, winner, chicken dinner" right there!
    Have you given it a try? Have you tried releasing your stresses and worries with a little cardio or strength training? If not, well then I suggest you give it a try! You will be amazed at how much better you feel afterward. Not only do you feel better physically, but you do mentally as well! Use this time to unwind and think and get intouch with YOU!
    So, "clap along if you feel like a room with out a roof.....cuz I'm happy!!!"
    No matter what life throws my way, I can do my workouts and be in a better mood! No excuses! I always strive to be better than I was yesterday!

    Friday, March 14, 2014

    Chocolate PB2 Banana Froyo

    So last night was a family night for us. My husband and the kids were going to have chocolate marshmallow ice cream and I was going to have ???? I am currently doing the 21 Day Fix and refuse to sabotage my results in any way, so I made my own froyo to enjoy with them! I usually do this mixture as a snack and eat the yogurt as is, but it was so easy to make it into a frozen treat. Here is what I did. I took a red container and filled it with plain greek yogurt and put it into a bowl. Then I took a tsp of chocolate PB2 (for those of you that don't know what PB2 is powdered peanut butter that has been pressed to take the fat out), half of a ripe banana (1 purple container) and a tsp of honey and mixed in with the yogurt. I then just transferred it to my magic bullet and blended it up, stuck it in the freezer for a couple of hours and viola! A completely clean, yummy and 21 Day Fix friendly snack!

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