Friday, March 28, 2014

Carbs are NOT the Enemy!

So there is always a common misconception that carbs are the "Deadly Enemy" when it comes to losing weight or building muscle. There is a small truth behind this. If you eat "refined carbs" that have been processed beyond knowing what the real ingredients are in the product, then you have a problem! But, when you eat healthy "unrefined carbs" that are loaded with health benefits and digest without added fat and sugar storage, you are good!

So, what foods are the "bad carbs???" Some people will say: "Bad carbs are anything that is white." Well, that just isn't so either. A russet or red potato is "white" and these are good carbs. They are not refined and when eaten in the right quantities are healthy to consume! Although my personal choice is sweet pototoes over white potatoes bc of other nutrients, I do still eat white potatoes occasionally.

Now your bad carbs would be examples of the types of food you see in this picture. All of these carbs are highly refined and have little to no nurtional value. They make you feel bloated and lead to spikes in your glucose which is not at all good for trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight. Do you eat many of these foods???? I know I used to and now when I eat them I feel so sluggish and bloated!
Here is a great way to get started with picking out healthy carbs when you make your next trip to the grocery store. If you usually eat white sugar, rice or bread....switch them all to brown! Now, with sugar I don't mean buy brown sugar. Brown sugar is simply sugar that is mixed with molasses for a sweeter treat! Buy organic unrefined cane sugar if you are going to consume sugar at all.
I personally have made the switch to only use Stevia in it's raw form ( I use the name brand Stevia in the Raw) or organic raw honey to sweeten my drinks or dishes. I used to drink soft drinks with artificial sweeteners and completely cut those out of my diet once I read up on them.

Now, I am an oatmeal eater and lover! I will make oatmeal so many different ways in the mornings! I really feel like my stomach is less bloated when I eat oatmeal on a daily basis. I will say any oatmeal is better than no oatmeal at all due to how it can help with all kinds of health issues, but the absolute best is steel cut oats. There again, these are not refined at all. They are cut and packaged as to where old fashioned and instant are processed a little to make that "flat" look that they have. Steel cut oats also have a chewy type consistency that I love!

And here is the newest craze lately! It's quinoa ( keen-wa)! This is an ancient grain/seed that is considered a protein. It is a natural superfood and is being used in place of a lot of rice dishes and in some cases oats. I have grown to love this food and the benefits of it are amazing! Here is a link explaining a little more about quinoa and it's health benefits :

I hope this little explanation of good and bad carbs helps you in the future!

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