Sunday, September 14, 2014

Today I will enjoy the last of my "cheats" for an ENTIRE 90 days!!! This means ABSOLUTELY no cheating of any sorts even through the fair, Thanksgiving and Lexi's bday! No more coffee for me either! I know I can do it though...I did with P90...X3! I am starting Body Beast tomorrow and I have such big goals to accomplish with this program. I want to continue it all the way until Beachbody Coach Summit next July. I know what I am capable of doing and I just have to buckle down and focus on ME when it comes to my health/fitness goals. I have been such a yo-yo here lately and that is NOT at all who I am or the kind of image I want to portray to anyone that follows/trusts me to help them!

Today is prep day! Menu planning, shopping and cooking to get ready for the week! I have to eat over 2000 calories a day, which is crazy for me bc I usually eat between 1200-1400 a day! I have to eat so much to fuel my body for muscle growth and blasting fat! I want to video blog this journey and share with everyone. Show that weights/strength training are not the enemy for women! I am not striving for big bulk, and we as women are not genetically made to get BIG like men, but I do want a ton of definition!

So, just know that I am still here to help anyone that needs my help with their own health and fitness, BUT I am 100% dedicating and focusing full attention on my health and fitness because to help you all and be a great example for my children, I have to be the best version of me that I can be!
I hope you all will follow my transformation on here and be inspired to get started on your own personal transformation!
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